One More Step
[P. J.] [RU] [FR]

One More Step

After the crash of the Soviet system, and having done with the remnants of Russia's influence on a global scale, the United States and their "allies" (or rather vassals) will certainly need to get rid of the absurd relic of the "communist" presence, the United Nations. This organization has long since become inefficient and wasteful, nothing to say that its structure hinders the efforts of the true Masters of the World to establish an entirely democratic global order, in the interests of everybody, rather that a handful of the presumed winners in the World War II.

And, indeed, nothing is simpler! It is enough that the absolute majority of the former UN members, with the Unites States in the first ranks, decide to cancel the UN mandate in the international affairs and create a new organization (let's call it, say, the World Community, as the phrase is already in use for the collective will of the "responsible" states).

The structure of the WC will follow the standard democratic principle of the division of power:

1)  The Public Forum is an international body representing all kinds of influential social movements, like the greens, the LGBT, the former specialized UN subdivisions (like UNESCO or UNICEF), as well as some stray groups (like WHO) and business integrators (WTO, IMF). This extremely democratic institution will easily adopt new members, or dismiss the exhausted trends. Its primary function is to develop legislative initiatives, agree on the fundamental issues of worldwide civilized behavior, including human rights, ecological matters and so on.

2)  The Brotherhood of Nations will consider the initiatives submitted by the PF, as well as those promoted by any member country, and approve them as international law. The decisions are to be taken by the absolute majority, and all member countries will have equal rights, with no preference for the opinion of any "big nation", and no special role for any "big brother". If some member country is interested in a certain decision, it will have to convince the others, rather than issue orders, or just veto anything.

3)  The Executive Committee of the WC will keep an eye on the fulfilment of the international law by the member countries, who should put such common decision above their inner legislation. Also, this body is to coordinate the common activities and administer any WC facilities. The EC is to be composed of the representatives of a few member countries, elected on the basis of absolute equality every two or three years, with the obligatory rotation norms.

4)  The International Court will receive the claims from all the other bodies of the WC and decide on the common action against the infringers of the international law. The members of the IC will be recruited among the professionals of the currently elected member states, with due rotation.

Now, as the new organization is up and ready, the US will inform the former UN bodies about the cancellation of their authority on the US territory; the other member nations of the WC will do the same on their own territory. The funds, buildings and other facilities of the former UN will be transferred to the disposal of the WC, except the property of the countries that will prefer to stay outside the World Community; such outsiders will need to stop any UN activities on the territory of the WC member states.

With all that, the world will soon be governed on the new principles, and the role of the United States will certainly increase, as nobody is as experienced in promoting democracy worldwide, and as devoted to the mission of guiding the humanity to a happy and prosperous future!

[Assorted Notes] [Unism]