[RU] [FR]


2012 Musical Scale Hierarchy
Analytrics presentation

2012 Scheme Transfer in Science: Physical Psychology
Analytrics presentation

2012 Self-Determination of Philosophy
Analytrics presentation (rejected by peers)

2009 Marxism and Empiriomonism
On the 100th anniversary of the publication of V. Lenin's book Materialism and Empiriocriticism

2009 Philosophy of Consciousness. A Draft
A description of the book published by Trafford

2006 The genesis of the scale. The matter of music
The book published by BODLib

2003 On the Digital Time Paradigm
6th ISTC SAC Seminar presentation

2002 Parainformation and Cultural Structure Development
Published in Social and cultural dynamics: Informational Approach

2001 Dynamical Computing, Communication, Development and Hierarchical Inference
ICCIT-2001 presentation

2001 Are We Conscious Beings? Not Yet.
Published in IM-UR, Philosophy magazine

2000 Nonlinear Art
Published in Information Approach in the Humanitarian Science

1999 Об оценке качества музыкальных сигналов [RU]
[On the evaluation of the quality of musical signals]
Review of a PhD thesis

1998 Space-Time Reasoning in Logic
Former HiLight project entry

1998 An Idea of a Computer Program to Play Visual Music
Former HiLight project entry

1998 Utopia: Findings and Fallacies
A paper for the Utopia project

1998 Hierarchical Analysis of the Structure of the Perception of Museum Expositions
Published in Interaction between Man and Culture: Information Standpoint

1998 Discreteness, Continuity and Hierarchical Scaling in the Arts
Published in Information Approach in Empirical Aesthetics

1998 Art as Creative Communication
Published in Interaction between Man and Culture: Information Standpoint

1997 Scale Hierarchies and Culture-Historical Universality
Published in Empirical Aesthetics: Informational Approach

1997 Survivors and Sufferers: Forced Medication in a Class Society
A paper for the Radical Psychology Network

1997 Hierarchy of Logic
Former HiLight project entry

1997 Styles of Thinking
Former HiLight project entry

1997 Interactive Perception of Art: The Fusion of Art and Science for Health and Spirituality
Former HiLight project entry; originally written as a report for the Sci-Art conference in London, April 1997

1996 Иерархия музыкального ритма [RU]
[Hierarchy of the Musical Rythm]
Report at the conference Electronics, Music, Light

1996 Шкалы направлений — графический аналог звукорядов [RU]
[Directinal Scales as a Graphical Analog of a Musical Scale]
Report at the conference Electronics, Music, Light

1996 Self-Construction in the Developing World
Published in Neurogenesis

1996 Unism and Humanism
Published in Neurogenesis

1996 Physics and Psychology in the Hierarchical World: Towards Physical Psychology
IPPE preprint

1996 Qualitative Complexity
A paper submitted to (but never published in) Complexity International

1996 Computability in Developing Systems
A paper submitted to (but never published in) Cybernetics and Human Knowing

1996 Class Struggle: Who Wins?
A paper submitted to (but never published in) Imprint

1996 Zone Scales as a Universal Language of Design
A paper submitted to (but never published in) Languages of Design

1996 Рисунок и музыка: Универсалии эстетического восприятия [RU]
[Image and Music: The Universals of Aesthetic Perception]
The translation of the article in LMJ 1995 into Russian, with extensions

1995 A Hierarchical Theory of Aesthetic Perception: Scales in the Visual Arts
A paper published in the Leonardo Music Journal

1994 A Hierarchical Theory of Aesthetic Perception: Musical Scales
A paper published in the Leonardo

1993 A Mathematical Model of Scale Perception
A paper published in the Journal of Moscow Physical Society

1984 Hierarchical Approach and Periodization of Cultures
Report at the "Acoustic Wednesdays" seminar at Moscow State Consevatory

1991 Звукоряды: логика восприятия [RU]
[Musical Scales: Logic of Perception]
A paper for a popular science magazine

1991 Когда рождаются гении? [RU]
[When Are Geniuses Born?]
Brief communication for a popular science journal

1991 Фрактальная голопоэзия — искусство будущего? [RU]
[Fractal Holopoetry: Art of the Future?]
Brief communication for a popular science journal

1989 Идеосфера — катализатор культурного прогресса [RU]
[The Ideosphere to Catalyze the Cultural Progress]
Project proposal for the Cultural Initiative fund

1984 Hierarchical Approach and Periodization of Cultures
Report at the "Acoustic Wednesdays" seminar at Moscow State Consevatory

1984 The Hierarchical Approach in the Psychology of Creativity
MSU graduation thesis

1984 Рефлексия: Пути развития [RU]
[Reflection: The Ways of Development]
A paper submitted to (but never published in) Химия и жизнь [Chemistry and Life]

1983 Pitch Scales and the Psychophysics of Perception
A presentation for the Acoustic Wednesdays seminar

1983 Dialectics of Hierarchies
The first ever explicit formulation of the philosophy of unism and the hierarchical approach

[Contributions to KJF] [Hierarchies] [Logic] [Philosophy]