Selected Thoughts
P.J. [RU]

Selected Thoughts


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Time's passing by, things change...
And maybe at least something will come for better.


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The worst thing a thinking creature can experience is mental vacuum.


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How can I go forward if I think of return?


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A conscious being sees the world with the eyes of the society.


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We needn't be too emotional in an argument,
since our words are nothing but a supplement to our deeds.


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The first criterion of consciousness is the ability of change through changing one's own environment, through reconstructing nature. A conscious being = rebellion against the natural necessity.


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Stars will die, people will live.


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The world has not been made for absolute peace.


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Nobody has ever undermined religion better than
thoughtful orthodox theologians trying to rationally explain it.


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Revolutions are the locomotives of history (K. Marx),
but they do not constitute history itself.


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Still life is still life.


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Let us be repetitive, to be heard.


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Guilt means a lack of reason.
A conscious being already is, and not merely going to be.


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At a certain age, most people come to believing that they have too much to say,
and they stop listening to the others.


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Never fight against anything, but rather seek for something.


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In the matters of the eternal, how could one become obsolescent?


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When nobody wants to hear, what's the use of shouting?


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The truly human trate of a human is the perpetual desire to make the Universe more human.


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It's the best way to write poetry, making things come.


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It is not freedom, if you have to pay for it.


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Modern philosophers are often alienated from the world, since all their experiences are those of a bourgeois who does not care for anything but consumption. Make all the material and spiritual wealth equally accessible to everybody, and there will be no anxiety, no fear, no sticking to the herd.


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Judge, and get judged!


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It's so easy, to make things difficult.
It's much more difficult, to make things go easy.


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Intelligence does not imply reason.


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People do things together.
Deprived of communication, they can do nothing.


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A good manager never undecides what has once been decided.
He just decides, and then decides again, the opposite way.


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As any person, a philosopher can meddle in a dispute from time to time. But philosophers never get really involved in them. Wisdom is beyond the desire to win.


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Reason begins when one refuses to struggle for existence.


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Better betrayed than suspicious.
Suspicion betrays at any moment.


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The best way to fight one's preconceptions is to become aware of them, and to consciously give preference to some ideas before the rest. This is how blind faith yields to conviction, the will, and the ability, to change the world.


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A pretty something is better than beautiful nothing.


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What makes people wish forgeting the past, what makes them fear for the future?
Isn't it their present way of life?


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To love somebody is to share the world with another and thus eliminate "anotherness" itself.


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It is not love that matters, but rather what one cannot avoid doing for love.


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If I am obliged to do or to be something, including obligation to myself, I am no longer myself, but rather an instance of obligation, a mere abstraction of personality. A conscious act does not need to comply with any norms or standards, since it is the whole of the Universe that expresses itself that way.


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Existence and life are devoid of any inner significance; it is up to us, to make them meaningful. Without true humans, no life can be truly human.


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It does not matter what people think about themselves
provided they act the right way.


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People may be unaware of what they really do, but the very their delusions are a part of the whole and hence a germ of a change. This all-penetrating development is not a hallucination, or collective madness; this is a natural historical process directed by the objective laws and the conscious effort.


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We all are a part of nature, and mastering nature means mastering ourselves.


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Conscious activity is necesserily purposeful.
Those who don’t care lack reason.


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Consistency of action does not imply consistency of thought.
Deliberate confusion may be a sign of mental congruence.


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If you think that thought is all you need, think twice.


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A society suppressing reason cannot be reasonable.


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Time never stops. It's people who can hold it.


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If you have never lived, how can you judge the dead?


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"Primitive" does not mean "simple". On the contrary, it is primitive minds who tend to exaggerate the complexity of the world, extrapolating their ignorance to the whole universe.


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If I were you, I wouldn't be me.


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Every good thing can be made a whole lot better.
But then, it won't be just as good.


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Words mean nothing until you start meaning something by the words.


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To win a war, it is important to have right arms.
But what is much more important is right objectives.


* * *

Death happens.
Happines dies.


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Leave the world as you have found it, and maybe a little better.

[Kozma Prutkov] [On the Fly]
In Russian: [Meraïlih, The Sparkles] [P.J., The Odd Moments]
[Notes] [Unism]