Introduction to philosophy
[FR] [RU]

Introduction to Philosophy

This section partially opens the manuscripts of an unfinished book, written in 1992-1997.

All texts are in Russian.


I. The Idea of Philosophy

    1. Philosophy and Humans
          Why All the Fuss?
          What Is It Like?
          Forms of Philosophy
          Object-Oriented Philosophy
          Philosophy and Language
          Philosophy and the Sense of Life
    2. Philosophy and the World
          Philosophy as History
              World View
              World Comprehension
              World Outlook
    3. The Principal Problem
          The Integrity of the World
          The Facets of Integrity
          Integrity and Diversity

II. The Grounds of Philosophy

    1. Philosophy as a Hierarchy
          Phenomenal Philosophy
          Philosophical Essence
          Real, actual and effective
    2. The Universals
              Matter, Reflixivity, Substance
              Material, Form, Content
              Essence, Phenomenon, Reality
              Singularity, Speciality, Generality
              Syncretism, Analysis, Synthesis
          Categorial Schemes
              Categories of Schemes
              Links and Mediations
    3. Philosophical Themes
          The World as Such
              Reproduction of the World
              The Object
              Levels of Time
              Infinity and Creative Work
          Humans and the World
              Reason as Activity
          The Human World
              Material Production
              Reproduction of the Subject
                  Artistic Quality

III. Philosophical Problems

    1.Philosophy of Nature
    2. Philosophy of the Spirit
          The Hierarchy of the Spirit
              The Sublime
              Logic and Hierarchies
              Discreteness and Continuity
              The Substance of Logic
              Morals and Morality
              The Ethical Imperative and Freedom
    3. Philosophy of Culture

[Phylosophy of consciousness] [Philosophy] [Unism]