In English - comments
[] [Мерайли]

The Publisher's Preface

[π] Merailih is a literary project in Russian. I have been collecting the writings of Merailih for many years, and this collection is largely presented on the Web, primarily on this official site. Some of Merailih's works, such as his modernistic rubaiyat Tetramino, have already become widely known; some are still waiting for their reader, being too complicated for the general public.

Currently (as of 2011), I don't know about any translations from Merailih into other languages. In fact, I cannot even imagine such an exploit; I have always been wondering how much courage one were to possess to translate any poetry at all :) All the poems presented on this page were originally written in English (or, at least, in a sort of English pardonable for a foreigner). One must consider them as mostly experimental, as the author did not care much for such offsprings. Still, I hope that they could deliver some impression of Merailih's vision and style, and hence they deserve being published on the Web.

A draft of the title page (2005)

[] [Мерайли]