Unism: Components
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Unism demands all-penetrating universality, hence it must be universal itself, being applicable to any human activity at all. Unism cannot be reduced to any single form of reflection, and there is no special structure inherent to unism, since its inner organization corresponds to the organization of human culture in general, allowing for its hierarchical development.

On this site, only a few directions are presented; this should not be considered as a compendium; the structure only reflects some personal history and individual limitations. Everybody can influence this collection of topics suggesting a new section; in the archives, there are numerous texts that have not yet been published, and one is sure to find some considerations on almost anything.

Here, the primary focus of attention is on the philosophy of unism, and specifically on the philosophy of consciousness and reason. A general exposition of this philosophy has been presented in the book Philosophy of Consciousness (Trafford, 2009). A special chapter in this book is devoted to the logic of unism, which is closely related to the hierarchical approach.

A large part of the site is devoted to the arts, including a review of the aesthetics of unism as well as a number of applied ideas. Hierarchical approach has proved to be very productive in music and the visual arts; it has also found a good testing ground in poetry, with a couple of projects being maintained for quite a long time.

A special section is devoted to science (mathematics, physics, computer science, psychology). However, due to historical reasons, this direction is presented here by only a few assorted notes, while the main bulk of available materials remains in the drafts. Hopefully, some of them will be published in a new book.

A number of notes on various practical issues and social events draw unism to the everyday life. These notes may represent some private opinion; however, this opinion is based on convictions that have grown from unism, following its basic principles.
